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Explorer 510 / Portable BGAN

    EXPLORER 510 BGAN Terminal

    Ultra-portable and easy to use, this lightweight BGAN terminal is a powerful next generation tool for field communication worldwide. EXPLORER 510 will be available in December 2014.

    A new way to connect

    EXPLORER 510 is focused on wireless connectivity. It harnesses the power of the new EXPLORER Connect App, which turns your Android and IOS smartphones and tablets into powerful satellite communications tools.
    When it comes to setting up you can be online in minutes using your own wireless devices. The USB host allows wired connections to the terminal and the optional EXPLORER LTE dongle (available in Q1 2015), so you can use local cellular if available and switch to BGAN when needed.

    Professional performance

    Whether you’re reporting the news, exploring for natural resources, doing commercial or government business or helping people in emergencies, EXPLORER 510’s high quality voice and broadband up to 464 kbps offer the performance you need to carry out your work in the field.
    Regardless of location or environment, with EXPLORER 510 you can make and receive calls, use email, access the web, connect to your corporate network, stream video & audio, and harness the power of work specific IP applications to make sure you get the job done.


    At 200mm x 200mm x 50mm, EXPLORER 510 is smaller than a standard laptop and weighs less than 1.4 kg. In fact, it’s the smallest EXPLORER BGAN terminal ever but despite its compact size it delivers reliable communication in any conditions.